Environment and CSR
Arlanda express is committed to diversity
At Arlanda express, diversity is a watchword that is respected by all parts of the operation.
The internal diversity activities are guided by the Arlanda Express Diversity Policy. The Diversity Policy establishes that:
Arlanda Express strives for cultural and ethnic diversity in recruitment.
Arlanda Express strives for a wide age distribution and gender balance among employees.
Arlanda Express does not accept any form of discrimination.
Arlanda express has extended its commitment to diversity to include an external responsibility through a Declaration on Diversity. The Declaration on Diversity has been inspired by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Based on the Declaration on Diversity, Arlanda express identifies projects and purposes for the company’s engagement, including financial contributions.
Arlanda express Declaration on Diversity
Arlanda express believes that all people have equal value and equal rights.
Arlanda express believes that diversity entails tolerance, acceptance and equality.
Arlanda express believes that diversity accelerates democratisation, locally and globally.
Using the UN Convention on Human rights as its basis, Arlanda Express supports increased diversity.
Arlanda express inspires its business partners to undertake progressive diversity management.
Arlanda express and the environment
Good Environmental Choice
Since 2002, journeys with Arlanda Express have been labelled with the Good Environmental Choice certification. Our trains are powered 100% by electricity certified by Good Environmental Choice, which means that strict requirements are imposed on how the renewable energy is produced. Additionally, for every kilowatt-hour purchased, funds are allocated to environmental projects that support biodiversity in flowing waters and to projects aimed at improving energy efficiency. Regular renewable electricity has no other requirements beyond being from a renewable source.
In addition to setting standards for the electricity used to power the trains, Good Environmental Choice also sets requirements to reduce the use of harmful chemicals, both during the production and renovation of the trains, as well as during interior cleaning, where environmentally certified cleaning products are required.
Feel free to read more about Good Environmental Choice here.
A-train Net Zero Strategy
We are actively working to reduce our emissions and we have a comprehensive strategy to become net zero by the end 2025/2026 within scope 1 and 2.
To achieve this, we’ve developed a detailed business plan that includes several actions:
We will replace all fossil diesel in our facilities with HVO100 in 2023
We also intend to refuel our diesel locomotive with HVO 100 in 2023
Two company diesel cars will be replaced with electric vehicles leasing agreement
We are investigating the possibilities to install solar panels on the roof of Blackvreten depot